Right then...I've begun the 3rd album (the follow-up to 'Speak For Yourself'). I'm going to write a more frequent blog as I did with the last one so you can keep an eye on me and make sure I'm not slacking! I wonder how it's gonna turn out? How exciting! You're very welcome to comment but please don't ask me questions on here or i'll never get any work done. You can email me with any questions you have and every month we'll pick 20 from the virtual 'hat' and post them. Send your questions to: [email protected]

Much much more to come! Love, fluv x i x Wheeeeee!!!


Click here and here to see 360s of my cosy studio in London where I wrote and recorded the last album "Speak for Yourself" xxx

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Crunchy computer

I've had one today...rrrr....one of my hard drives has gone walkies. Well it's still there it's inside the damn thing but the computer just can't seem to see it. Tried using Norton 7 to find it but a little tip for those you installing this version onto your G5...DONT! rrr...who would have thought a program that is meant to help you can cause so many problems! Then my computer wouldn't boot up at all...i eventually downloaded the current version from my laptop but by then the damage had been done...I wish it would tell me it was going to mess with my system drive. At least to give me the option to DELETE it's ass out of there...luckily for all of us the one part of my life that is orderly is my back up system, so nothing is lost. Just a days work...

So no whiteboarding but i did find a gem of an idea while i was checking i had everything. hmmm...could it be the beginnings of the missing song? I do hope so...

how can a cheque take 28 days to clear? another annoying theme to my day...


'til tomorrow...

Hobo..immi x


posted by immi  # 12:04 AM

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